A book or books shipped from Mountain Top Ministries, Inc., can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment, only if the book is damaged or defective. Books must be returned with the original packaging, with instructions for "replacement" or "refund" to the fulfillment address below:
Mountain Top Ministries, Inc.
ATTN: Replacement/Refund
3051 Nunnally Shoals Road
Good Hope, GA 30641
Damaged or defective books can be returned within 30 days of receipt of delivery to the fulfillment address below. It can take up to 25 days for an item to reach us once you return it. Once the item is received at our fulfillment center, it takes 2 business days for the refund to be processed and 3-5 business days for the refund amount to show up in your account.
If you return a damaged or defective book, you’ll be refunded the full postage cost, as well as your Import Fees Deposit, once your return is processed.
You can also return the damaged or defective book/s for replacement. Books must be returned with the original packaging, with instructions for "replacement" or "refund" to the fulfillment address below:
Mountain Top Ministries, Inc.
ATTN: Replacement/Refund
3051 Nunnally Shoals Road
Good Hope, GA 30641
Mountain Top Ministries, Inc. is not responsible for third party seller policies.
If a third party seller does not offer methods to return your book/s for refund or replacement, you may send an email to us at MTM.inc@yahoo.com to seek help with your return.
If you are sending the item within the United States and the order is valued at $100 or more, insure the shipment for the value of the merchandise and ship your return with a signature shipping service. Items valued over $35 must be returned to the seller with a trackable shipping service. For items below $35, we suggest USPS delivery confirmation service. If a package doesn't arrive and you don't use a trackable method to return, or if you refuse the shipment as a method of return, we may not be able to cover your return or replacement request.